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Bagad Bro Kervignag music school
Season 2022/2023
Name :
First name:
Date of Birth :
Music instruments :
City / CP:
Bagad Membership
• Membership for 1 member: 1 x €55 = €55
• Membership for 2 members: 2 x €50 = €100
• Membership for 3 members: 3 x €45 = €135
• Membership for more than 3 members: x 40 € =
Music instruments (bagpipes, bombardes, drums, percussion)
• Lessons: (Nb students) …….. x 175 € per student = ……………….. €
With participation in the life of Bagad *
• Lessons: (Nb students) …….. x 475 € per student = ……………….. €
Without participation in the Bagad life*
Beginner course: (Nb students) …….. x 45 € per student = ……………….. €
Membership(s): ……………. € + Price: ………… € = ……………….…. €
Paiement date :
by check n°
by bank transfer
With the possibility of paying in installments, describe the details:
Instrument lent by Bagad: □ Yes □ No Number: ……………………..
Loan / Rental document to be completed. Or 50 euros per instrument.
Chuppen on loan from the bagad: □ Yes □ No Number: ………………...........
A deposit check (not debited) in the amount of 100 € in the name of Bagad will be requested by chuppen.
(renewable annually)
Signature of the member:
Signature of the Bagad representative :
* The bagad finances a large part of the music lessons and asks in return to perform the services as sonneurs as soon as the musical level allows it.
Bagad Bro Kervignag, House of Associations,
56700 Kervignac
bagadbrokervignag@gmail.com /Phone 06 42 34 87 78